Supporting Your Library
There are many ways you can help!
You can give your time:
- Once, once a week, once a month or once a year... it all helps.
- Our volunteers help with children’s programs, shelving books, checking out books, making copies, and many other things. Let us know what you'd like to do.
You can help with donations:
- Deposit money directly into our bank account at Texas Heritage Bank of Cross Plains
- Mail a check to CPPL, PO Box 333, Cross Plains, TX 76443
- Make a memorial gift (for those who are no longer with us) or a living tribute (to honor someone you would like to recognize)
- Shop on Amazon and have purchases benefit library by using AmazonSmile.
Use when you shop and give library FREE money.
- Make a direct payment to the library via Paypal using the following donate button:
And help with fundraisers:
- Bake sales (bake, buy, and/or help organize)
- Fundraiser Dinners (help provide food, serve, decorate, clean up or provide prizes)
- Monthly Book Sales (clean, organize and shelve books)
We welcome ideas. Call Becky and let her know what you would like to do - (254) 725-7722 or email