Duties & Responsibilities of Governing Board Members
Determine the Mission and Goals & Objectives of the library, and adopt written policies governing the library.
Employ a competent and qualified library director, maintain an ongoing performance appraisal policy for the director, and actively support the director in the performance of his/her duties.
Develop the library's annual budget, receive reports and approve expenditures, and see that adequate funds are secured to carry out the library's programs.
Be familiar with the library's resources and programs in order to actively promote the library in the community, and establish, support, and participate in a planned public relations program.
Be familiar with the laws that affect the library and its policies.
Ensure that the library has a long-range planning process which considers the library's strengths and weaknesses, and explore ways to improve the library's services.
Be prepared for and attend all board meetings, support majority decisions reached by the board, and see that accurate records are kept on file at the library.
Be aware of the services of the Texas State Library and the Texas State Library and Archives Commission, and understand how they help the library achieve its mission.
Serve as a "court of appeal" for volunteers, staff members, or complaints from the public.
Regularly assess its own performance.
Adopted March 11, 2019