Interlibrary Loan Policy
The Cross Plains Public Library will lend materials, including books, photocopies of periodical articles, and photocopies of books and other printed sources in accordance with Federal copyright law. In order to ensure that local Cross Plains Public Library users have access to the latest materials, the following items will not be available via interlibrary loan:
- Books published within the last year
- Items designated "high demand"
- Audio-Visual materials (video recordings and sound recordings)
- Reference material
- Genealogical material
- Bound or current issues of magazines and newspapers
- Rare, archival, manuscript, or fragile items (i.e. Robert E. Howard, etc.)
All materials loaned via interlibrary loan will have a loan period of 21 days. Materials not in demand can be renewed for an additional 10 days.
The Cross Plains Public Library will borrow materials via interlibrary loan only for registered library patrons in good standing. A maximum of 3 active interlibrary loan requests are allowed per library patron. The Cross Plains Public Library reserves the right to further limit the number of requests as circumstances dictate. The Cross Plains Public Library will not request the following categories of materials:
Best-sellers or books published within the last year
- Audio-Visual materials (video recordings and sound recordings)
- Bound or current issues of magazines and newspapers
Requests that are filled for rare, archival, genealogy, manuscript, microforms (film or fiche) will be used as reference only and not allowed to leave Cross Plains Public Library.
The Cross Plains Public Library never charges a fee for interlibrary loan requests. If, however, the lending library charges a fee, this will be passed on the borrower. No request will be made before the borrower has the opportunity to accept or decline paying any appropriate charges.
The Cross Plains Public Library will ask the borrower to pay postage to send the book back to the lending library. The amount will be noted from the received package.
Approved March 8, 2010, Reviewed March 11,2019