Internet Use Policy, Guidelines, and Safety Practices
The Library provides Internet access as an information resource.
The Library has installed "content filters" on all Internet-connected computers, but the Library cannot protect patrons from material a particular patron may find offensive. The Library is not responsible for information available on the Internet; patrons must remember that material found on the Internet may be outdated, wrong, or biased. Each patron is responsible for evaluating any information he or she uses.
"Content filters" are designed to protect children from material that is considered inappropriate or harmful for them. The Library will not be responsible for material a minor may access if the minor finds a way around the filter. Though the Library has filters and policies in place to protect children using the Internet, ultimately a child's access is the responsibility of the parent/legal guardian.
The Library's computers are not to be used to access pornographic material, to visit "chat rooms," for so-called "hacking" activities, or for any other unlawful activities. Any breach of this prohibition will result in the immediate end of that patron's current Internet session. If there is a repeat offense, the patron will be suspended from using the Library's computers for a period to be decided by the Board of Directors.
To prevent unauthorized disclosure, use, and dissemination of personal identification information regarding the public's use of the computers, when a patron logs off of a computer, all information that has been entered during that session is erased. Patrons who wish to save any information they have accessed should print it, email to him/herself, or transfer it to a thumb drive.
If, in the opinion of the Librarian or her Assistant(s), any Internet use results in disruption of Library services, or if patron behavior becomes inappropriate for a Library setting, the Librarian or her Assistant(s) may end the session. If such inappropriate behavior or use is repeated, the Library reserves the right to prohibit the patron from using the Internet computers for a period to be decided by the Board.
While the Library Staff is happy to assist users as time permits, each user is nevertheless responsible for his/her own searches. Staff cannot provide in-depth personal training in the use of the Internet or of personal computers. The Library Staff will not perform reference searches on the Internet at the request of telephone customers.
Printing from the Library's computers is available; check with Librarian or her Assistant(s) for prices. The prices are also listed when the patron asks the computer to print.
Time on any computer is automatically limited to 1 hour. If you need more time, this time may be extended. Request an extension from the Librarian or an Assistant before your time is out. In general, use of the Library's computers is on a first-come, first-served basis. Appointments may be made ahead of time for taking tests, job interviews, listening to webinars, or other tasks that must be done at a particular time. At all times, research for educational, business, or professional purposes will take precedence over games and "socializing" via Email. Users may be asked to limit their access time if others are waiting.
Adopted March 11, 2019
click here to download the Internet Use Contract