"Lady Justice Takes a C.R.A.P. (City Retiree Action Patrol)" by Robert Thornhill
Lady Justice Series Book #1
There's a new series of books at the library - Robert Thornhill's Lady Justice Series. Check out the first one, "Lady Justice Takes a C.R.A.P. (City Retiree Action Patrol)" and give us YOUR opinion. If you enjoy Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum novels, then I think you'll enjoy these. They are short and fast-paced mystery/comedy novels that are centered on senior citizens.
Thornhill, who holds a master's degree in psychology, is an award-winning author who started writing when he was sixty-six, the same age as his main character Walt Williams. A resident of Independence, MO, Thornhill's novels take place in Kansas City and visit many familiar sites - Crown Center, the Country Club Plaza, and Loose Park, to name a few. Many of his characters and adventures are based on his real life, including his thirty-three years as a real estate broker. In addition to the Lady Justice Series, Thornhill has written seven books in the Rainbow Road Series of chapter books for children.
In his first novel of the series, Thornhill weaves in a cast of supporting characters that are both varied and colorful. The reader can't help but become endeared with Walt's girlfriend Maggie, Willie the former con man, bat-toting apartment manager "Dirty Harry" Mary, the always philosophical Professor, and Walt's patrol partner, OX - sidekicks in all of the upcoming novels. In this novel, we learn that's Walt's retirement wasn't what he thought it would be and why he decides that Lady Justice needs a helping hand and how he becomes the first member of C.R.A.P. With his friends' help, they stake out area ATM's and local BINGO halls to take down the Russian Mob and capture the Realtor Rapist. That Walt seems to end up in the middle of every case in the police department is a little far-fetched, but it is fun fiction. Be sure to read this series in order, as new characters are woven into future adventures and some minor characters return in later books.
Note: These books contain adult subject matter and adult situations, including off-color jokes.