"Lady Justice and the Cruise Ship Murders" by Robert Thornhill
Lady Justice Series Book #11
It’s off to Alaska for a peaceful cruise in Robert Thornhill’s “Lady Justice and the Cruise Ship Murders.” In this installment, Kansas City cop Walt Williams and his wife, Maggie, accompany newlyweds Ox and Judy on their honeymoon. But the cruise is anything but peaceful when two fellow passengers are murdered! Seems that the murderers are after a cache of gold that was stolen over a hundred years ago. The four friends meet Mark and Amy Stewart, who are going to Alaska to meet up with a professor claiming to have the clues to the gold. This sack of gold belonged to Mark’s great-great-grandfather in 1898, but was stolen by Soapy Smith’s gang. The professor only wants to publish the story surrounding the retrieval of the gold. Unfortunately, someone on the professor’s staff hacked into his computer and wants to find the gold for himself. Once Walt and Ox realize that the Stewarts are the target of the cruise-ship killers, they tail the Stewarts everywhere in the ports of call. Then, the killers realize that they need to get rid of Walt and Ox if they are to succeed with their plans.