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Cross Plains Public Library (TX)

"Keeper's Reach" by Carla Neggers

Product Details

I just finished reading “Keeper’s Reach” by Carla Neggers. Two of the FBI's most valuable agents are preparing for their next big assignment ... their wedding.  But of course a "whodunnit" pops up and they are on the case which has the bride traveling between England and the U.S.

But the case soon takes a drastic turn ... the bride is targeted and from the tangled web a secret unravels.  Many of their friends are now involved, so they must decide who they can trust or lose everything for good.

I would classify this book as a suspense.  The author has the reader traveling across the Atlantic but you have no trouble in keeping up with the happenings in each location, as the number of main characters is manageable.

Of course being a suspense there are twists throughout, including an Irish priest in the U.S. who, along with his twin brother, owns a whiskey company, and former FBI agents and military friends popping into their hometown.....Why?  Read the book and find out!